As defined in 22 CFR 62.4(f), regardless of program length, research scholar activities may include research, lecturing, observing, consulting at research institutions, corporate research facilities, etc.Research scholars are expected to be able to share their expertise and perspectives through the provision of lecturing/teaching/training or consulting. While there will be some on-boarding of scholars and training … Read more

Yes, 22 CFR 62.20(d) does not establish minimum education requirements nor preclude applicants with master’s and/or bachelor’s degrees from participating in the J-1 Research Scholar category.

The Department created a webpage for the STEM Research Initiative so that interested businesses could easily find BridgeUSA sponsors. If a business is not already hosting exchange visitors through a BridgeUSA sponsor or if it is interested in exploring new options, host organizations are encouraged to interview several BridgeUSA sponsors to determine the best fit … Read more

If there was no exceptional reason that the exchange visitor missed time during the five-year program (e.g., COVID-19, medical leave of absence), then no extensions are permitted beyond the five-year maximum time allowed under the Research Scholar regulations.

No new designations are required to participate in the STEM Research Initiative. The Initiative links interested STEM businesses with interested BridgeUSA sponsors. If a STEM business is already working with a BridgeUSA sponsor and it is satisfied with that partnership (e.g., the sponsor is providing enough eligible, high quality exchange visitor candidates), there is no … Read more

The initiative will not affect the home-residency requirement for exchange visitors. Some exchange visitors are subject to the two-year home-country physical presence requirement following their exchange program. Please visit for additional information.

Department-designated sponsors will work with host organizations to implement their BridgeUSA program. Sponsors will contact the host organization and follow their own internal procedures to determine whether a host organization meets the relevant regulatory requirements and the goals of the program. Sponsors will assess whether host organizations will be a good match for an exchange … Read more

Prospective host organizations should reach out to BridgeUSA Sponsors (ECA’s implementing partners for exchanges) to determine the best fit. After interested parties connect, sponsors and host sites will follow their own internal procedures to determine whether a placement meets category-specific regulatory requirements and the goals and objectives of the Exchange Visitor Program.For host organizations that … Read more

On the BridgeUSA website, you can explore sponsors that expressed interest in connecting with prospective host organizations. Additionally, see all sponsors designated by the State Department for the Research Scholar category.

Eligible categories for participation include Professors and Research Scholars, Short-term Scholars, Trainees and Interns, College and University Students, and Specialists.