In the long term, after demonstrating experience hosting exchange visitors, STEM host organizations may also apply for their own Department designation as a BridgeUSA sponsor after meeting the Department’s eligibility requirements. Please contact [email protected] for more information.Will the initiative affect the home-residency requirement for exchange visitors? The initiative will not affect the home-residency requirement for exchange visitors. Some exchange visitors are subject to the two-year home-country physical presence requirement following their exchange program. Please visit https://travel.state.govfor additional information. The STEM Research Initiative is now listed as a separate program on the BridgeUSA website. Does this mean that a program sponsor that a company already uses must be separately designated for the Initiative in order to participate?No new designations are required to participate in the STEM Research Initiative. The Initiative links interested STEM businesses with interested BridgeUSA sponsors. If a STEM business is already working with a BridgeUSA sponsor and it is satisfied with that partnership (e.g., the sponsor is providing enough eligible, high quality exchange visitor candidates), there is no need for the business to sign up.